Bibliografia judeochrze¶cijañstwa

Studia, teksty, opracowania




AA. VV., Apocalypticism in the Mediterranean World and the Naer East (ed. D. Hellholm), Tubingen 1985.

AA. VV., Aspects du judéo-christianisme. Colloque de Strasbourg 23-25 avril 1964 (Bibliothèque des Centres d'Études Supérieures Spécialisés. Travaux du Centres d'Études Supérieures Spécialisés d'Histoire des Religions de Strasbourge), Paris 1965.

AA. VV., Genies, anges et démons. Sources orientales, Seuil 1974.

AA. VV., Jewish and Christian Self-Definition, I: The Shaping of Christianity in the Second and Third Centuries (ed. E.P. Sanders), Philadelphia 1980.

AA. VV., Jewish and Christian Self-Definition, II: Aspects of Judaism in the Graeco-Roman Period (edd. E.P. Sanders - A.I. Baumgarten - A. Mendelson), Philadelphia 1981.

AA. VV., Judéo-christianisme. Recherches historiques et théologiques offertes en hommage au Cardinal Jean Daniélou, RSR 60 (1972) 1-2, 5-323.

AA. VV., La fine del tempi. Storia e escatologia (a cura di M. Naldini), Firenze 1994.

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Amsler, S., L'Ancien Testament dans L'Eglise, Neuchâtel 1960.

Andersen, C., Die Anfange christlicher Lehrentwicklung, w: AA. VV., Handbuch der Dogmen und Theologiegeschichte, I, Göttingen 1982, 11-98.

Andriessen, P.C.B., La teneur judéo-chrétienne de He I 6 et II 14B-III 2, NT 18 (1976) 4, 293-313.

Audet, J.-P., Affinités littéraires et doctrinale du Manuel de discipline, RB 59 (1952), 217-238; 60 (1953), 41-82.

Aune, D.E., Prophecy in Early Christanity, Grand Rapids 1983.

Aune, D.E., The Odes of Salomon and Early Christian Prophecy, NTS 28 (1982) 4, 435-460.

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Bagatti, B., Apocrifi Adamitici, Augustinianum 23 (1983), 213-225.

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Bakker, A., Christ an Angel? A study of early Christian docetism, ZNW 32 (1933), 255-265.

Bammel, E., Christian Origins in Jewish Tradition, NTS 13, 317.

Bammel, E., The Baptist in Early Christian Tradition, NTS 18 (1971), 95-128.

Barbel, J., Zur "Engel-Trinitätslehre" im Urchristentum, ThR 54 (1958), 49-58; 103-112.

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Bauckham, R., The Martyrdom of Enoch and Elijah: Jewish or Christian?, JBL 95 (1976), 447-458.

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Bernheimer, R., Vitae prophetarum, JAOS 55 (1935), 200-203.

Bertrand, D.A., L'Evangile des Ebionites: une harmonie évangélique antérieure au Diatessaron, NTS 26 (1980),  548-563.

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Bianchi, U., Encratismo, acosmismo, diteismo come criteri di analisi storico-religiosa degli Apocrifi, Augustinianum 23 (1983), 309-317.

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Bilde, P., The Causes of the Jewish War According to Josephus, JSJ 10 (1979), 179-202.

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Blinzler, J., Judenchristentum, LThK V, 1171-1174.

Bock, D.L., Proclamation from Prophecy and Pattern, Sheffield 1987.

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Braun, F., La Lettre de Barnabé et l'Evangile de sain Jean, NTS 4 (1958), 119-124.

Braun, F., L'énigma des Odes de Salomon, Revue Thomiste 57 (1957), 597-625.

Braun, F., Les Testaments des XII Patriarches et le problème de leur origine, RB 67 (1960), 516-549.

Brown, R.E. - Meier J.P., Antioch and Rome, New York 1983.

Brown, R.E., The Community of the Beloved Disciple, New York 1979.

Brown, R.E., The Gospel of Peter and Canonical Gospel Priority, NTS 33 (1987), 321-343.

Brox, N., Jüdische Wege des altkirchlichen Dogmas, Kairos 26 (1984), 1-16.

Buchanan, G.W., Worship, Feasts and Ceremonies in the Early Jewish-Christian Church, NTS 26 (1980) 3, 279-297.

Burge, The anointed Community, Grand Rapids 1987.

Burkitt, F.C., Jewish and Christian Apocalypses, London-Oxford 1914.

Camelot, P.-T., Les récentes recherches sur le Symbole des Apôtres et leur portée théologique, RSR Mélange J. Lebreton. 1 (1951-1952), 323-337.

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Carey, G., The Ascension of Isaiah: An example of Early Christian Narrative Polemic, Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 17 (1998), 65-78.

Caroll, J., Green, J.B., The Death of Jesus in Early Christianity, Peabody 1995.

Cavallera, F., Une prétendue controverse sur le Christ-Ange, RSR 2 (1911), 56-59.

Cerbelaud, D., Thèmes de la polémique chrétienne contre le judaïsme au IIe siècle, RSPhTh 81 (1997) 2, 193-218.

Cerfaux L., La première communauté chrétienne à Jérusalem (Act. II,41 - V,42), ETL 16 (1939), 5-31.

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Charlesworth, J.H., The Odes of Salomon - Not Gnostic, CBQ 31 (1969), 357-369.

Charlesworth, J.H., The Pseudoepigrapha and Modern Research, Missoula (Montana) 1981.

Chernus, I., Mysticism in Rabbinic Judaism. Studies in the History of Midrash (Studia Judaica 11), Berlin 1982.

Clark, K.W., Worship in the Jerusalem Temple After A.D. 70, NTS  6 (1960) 4, 269-280.

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Colalemmina, C., Apocrifo giudeo-cristiano, II: Testamento di Abramo; introduzione, traduzione e note, Roma 1995.

Collins, J.J., The Apocaliptic Imagination. An Introduction to the Jewish Matrix of Christianity, New York 1984.

Colon, J.B., Judéo-chrétiens, DBS IV, kol. 1298-1315.

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Cracco Ruggini L., Pagani, ebrei e cristiani: odio sociologico e odio teologico nel mondo antico, w: XXVI Settimana di Studi sull'alto Medioevo, vol. I (Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo), Spoleto 1980, 3-101.

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Cullmann, O., Courants multiples dans la communauté primitive. A propos du martyre de Jacques fils de Zébédée, RSR 60 (1972) 1, 55-68.

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